Lynxmotion Introduces New SSC-32U USB Board | RobotShop Community

Many of you may know the Lynxmotion SSC-32 Servo Controller board: it is one of our most popular products and is found in most Lynxmotion robot kits. It has a long history, designed years ago by Mike Dvorsky, a great contributor that worked with the founders of Lyxnmotion. Today, we’re announcing the release of the successor board: the Lynxmotion SSC-32U USB Servo Controller board.

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i want all of this part of chip’s i need it, it is very important it’s very usefull

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could tell me if i can wired it to raspberry pi / banana pi / and arduinoto control about 10 servos , i have pi and arduino shield extension and would like to wire your Lynxmotion SSC-32U USB to be able to create my robot, where should power from ssc-32u , 1 power for all 30 servos ? power for pi ? else…please …what is the best practice there with the controller,each servo need about 9-12v .thanks

@t You can use the Raspberry Pi’s USB cable to connect the SSC-32U to the Raspberry Pi and use Python to send the appropriate commands to control the servos. Power is a separate issue.

Hi Coleman,
Can I daisy-chain two SSC-32U servo controllers for robots with more than 32 servos. I know many projects have combined the SSC-32 and BotBoarduino but I want to try two SSC-32s first.

@xemone The SSC032U essentially waits for serial commands - there is no way to assign a specific address to the SSC-32U, so the best way to do what you want is to have a microcontroller which has two serial lines (like the Arduino MEGA).

I’ll be adding the second ssc-32u to an Intel Atom-based robot programmed in FlowBotics Studio; to expand its DOF. Should I expect any issues running two ssc-32u boards together in this setup?

@xemone Check that the Atom board has multiple serial I/O. If so, specify which board is connected to which COM / serial port and you should be ok.

Thanks! I wanted to be sure before going down that road.

Yes the Atom board does several serial ports

HI just wanted to make sure im hooking the scc32u with the 6v mah nimh battery to get my project hexpod crawler running

@fred: Yes, the SSC-32U should be connected to a 6 V DC power source (either a power adapter or battery pack) on VS1. You can see a typical hexapod configuration in the SSC-32U manual, page 21. On page 23 you can see the same setup with the PS2 controller adapter connected to a BotBoarduino, too.
Typically the 6 V DC goes to the SSC-32U through VS1 and the VS2 screw terminal is then connected to the microcontroller board to provide it with power.
For more technical support, feel free to post here for SSC-32U related issues and here for hexapod specific issues. If you ever have what appears to be a defective product, you can also open a support ticket here. Make sure to include your invoice or order number, as many details as possible about the issue and if helpful, some pictures of your setup.