Lynxmotion - Hunter VTail 400 & 500

Try to sellect the right board in the Arduino IDE.
If the error is still there, take some pictures and screenshot of Arduino IDE.

that is the board I have checked, the 5v version yet the error mesg. says checksum error 3.3v

Please, do a screenshot of your arduino ide screen

I’ll play with it more tonight if still no good I’ll try and get screen shots for you.

Finished tuning the VTail 400 today. Flying great using the PID settings from MultiWii_2_3 - FLIP - VTail400 - 18-02-2014.mwi file. Yaw rate increased to 0.3


Did you made any changes to the PID or just uploaded the PID file ?
You can increase Rate everywhere if you want it more nimble.

Should those PID numbers be “near” ideal settings? Cause I’m already a point or two above for P and wondering if it’s normal to stray further and further away from what the norm should be.

Heading back to the park after work today for more testing.

They are mostly base setting that can change.
Middle between T-Motor and Base setup and quite mild.

If you have your settings feeling better, than it’s better… :wink:
You can Save your settings and upload it there once your happy, we can put them on the website for people to use it.


I’m using the PID settings from the file, no change. I made changes to the rates to bump up the response. It’s flying good and I’m happy with the PID settings for now. I have the T-Motor set-up. I’m interested in PID values others are using.


Looks much faster than mine, where is this file you used? And what are your PIDS set to please?

I’m a noob, what did you change your rates to? On the transmitter? Or on the MultiWii?

Rate is done in the MultiWiiConf and will increase the reactivity of your model for the given setting.

Ya, I’ve seen that, I was curious what he set that to, same for the rates there at the left, what are those set to? This is kinda what I’m struggling with, I just started adjusting PIDs, I’m wondering if instead of messing with the PIDs, if I should be adjusting rates instead.

…and where is this t-motor specific .mwi file?

We do not have a specific “T-Motor” PID file at the moment, just the basic one.
The Rate will not provide you with a more stable flight, just increase or decrease the reaction from your transmitter sticks inputs.

You can get a good answer about the “Rate” from the creator of MultiWii “Alesinparis” in this forum post:
Well understand RC RATE et P/R rate

I found the MultiWii_2_3 - FLIP - VTail400 - 18-02-2014.mwi file here in the pre-configured Multiwii folder:

Be careful with rate increases. The response can get crazy fast. I’m using 0.3 for yaw and 0.15 for pitch/roll.

I live in Plano. Send me a PM if you want some assistance the Multiwii stuff.


Man, those rates are what I needed. Thanks tons!

V-Tail feeling better and better:

Hey Eric, any word on those legs you posted about long ago? Or possibly the different plates for the top?

DiaLFonZo-Copter - SpyderHEX - landing try:

Sorry… I know it’s been a long time.
We put a lot of energy on the Quadrino Nano in the last few months.

It would be very nice to have it done, what did you think of the concept ?

Fun flying VTail 400 this morning. After I used up my smaller Lipo’s, my son Nich and I tie wrapped a Mobius camera to the Vtail and strapped on a big heavy battery and took the following footage:

Nich is responsible for the video editing and piloting.