Lynxmotion Aluminum A4WD1 MTS 12T Rover Kit


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.


Hardware concerned:

Software concerned:

Troubleshooting steps already taken:

Additional information:I built the above Tracked kit and installed a 5000 mah 35 c lipo battery to run everything. Forward and backward are great however turning on a surface like carpet it seems the motors don’t have enough power. It won’t climb over anything either unless it is a full forward. This was built for Crawl space inspections. I also have several other wheeled type Robots without this problem

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Hi there,

Welcome on the forum.

Are you using the basic kit without electronic?

If yes, what motor driver are you using?

Do you have any additional weight inside the robot? What kind of carpet is it?

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Hi champ34,

After your post we did some in-house tests as well as verifications.

It seems that the original motor used in the A4WD platform (MTS or not) has been discontinued from its manufacturer and replaced by the one we currently supply. However it is slightly short power in the MTS platform.

After looking at a good replacement, we decided to test the 152 RPM 20.8oz-in and it seems to hold up well.
Below are two videos showing the power upgrade it makes.

We will replace the motors in our kits from now on and will answer your support ticket as well.

All the best,


Hi champ32,

Just to clarify, this change will also go into our standard kit.

All the best,