Hello All, I’m looking for a tank style chassis with a beveled front and rear to help clear obstacles. I found the Lynxmotion V2 upgrade on Robotshop but could not find any dimentions. I’m running Machine Labs MTP 15 Trackpods. Is anyone familiar with this chassis?
@Botzdownunder Welcome to the RobotShop Community. In regards to the following frame:
We have the dimensions for the total wheeled robot, which includes the chassis dimensions as well:
- Overall Length: 12.00"
- Overall Width: 13.50"
- Tire Height: 4.75"
- Chassis Length: 9.75"
- Chassis Width: 8.00"
- Chassis Height: 4.00"
- Ground Clearance: 1.63"
- Weight: 4lbs 6 oz.
- Speed: 36" per second.
The frame alone is not really useful since it needs specific spur gear motors. To confirm, you already have these, but no frame?
If so, then you’ll certainly need to customize whatever frame you purchase. Note that the A4WD1 is bent sheet aluminum, so the tracks you have might be too powerful for them. As such, you might want to consider the A4WD3 frame:
This includes four motors, and we don’t have the frame on its own, largely because it needs specific DC gear motors, but can consider creating it as a special order for you. Tell us if this is of interest. The motors used are:
Therefore the MSRP would go down by around 4x $30 = $120 USD. to ~$315 USD.