I have a LSS Smart Servo Standard - ST1.
- Can you read the current position and/or if it is “In Position” or Stopped?
- If I have been sending it an increasing angle to move to, then stop it. When I send it the command to move to “0” angle it unwinds by numerous revolutions back to 0 degrees. Can this be made to just go to “0” without unwinding?
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Hi DrSutherland,
Of course I can help.
- The proper command would be “#1QD” and would reply the position. More about it HERE.
- If that’s what you want yes it’s possible. There are a couple of ways to do that or similar but usually the code that’s handling the servo will count and know where it wants to start stop and where it is.
To set a new “zero” or “Origin Offset” you can either Configure it as something that will be recorded for the next power cycle or not.
When there is a “C” in the command it will be configured and stored but without it will be used until rebooted.
“#1O” to set the Origin Offset to the current position until reboot
“#1CO” to configure it and take effect also on reboot.
Origin Offset on the wiki
All the best,
I don’t seem to be resetting the angle to “0” using the “#0O” command. I can move it to a relative home position (it doesn’t unwind when I send it a #0D0" command) but when I read the angle again with the “#0QD” command I get the total angle that it has moved, it doesn’t reset to “0” counts after I send it the “#0O” command.
Here is my code for moving the servo 1 degree (relative to current position) and plotting the angle vs index
function [] = testLSS()
if(exist('serialCOMLSS','var') == 1)
disp("Serial COMM Port Already Open");
serialCOMLSS = serialport("COM12",921600);
disp("Did not open Serial COMM Port")
%Move Servo To Zero Position (Does not unwrap)
%Poll and Read Angle from Servo.
writeline(serialCOMLSS,"#0QD"),str = readline(serialCOMLSS);
strs = strsplit(str,"D"); % ["*0QD" "769915"]
angstr = strs(2);
ang = mod(str2double(angstr),3600); %Get distance to "Relative Home"
str = strcat("#0MD-",int2str(ang)); %Generate command string to move to home.
writeline(serialCOMLSS,"#0O"); %Set temporary origin to this position.
ButtonHandle = uicontrol('Style', 'PushButton', ...
'String', 'Stop loop', ...
'Callback', 'delete(gcbf)');
angchangeTolerance = 1;
diff = 2*angchangeTolerance;
ind = 0;
%Poll and Read Angle from Servo.
writeline(serialCOMLSS,"#0QD"),str = readline(serialCOMLSS);
strs = strsplit(str,"D"); % ["*0QD" "769915"]
angold = str2double(strs(2))
writeline(serialCOMLSS,"#0MD10"); %Move Servo 1 degree relative.
%writeline(serialCOMLSS,"#0MD100"); %Move Servo 10 degree relative.
% Wait for the move to be completed before reading and plotting
while diff > angchangeTolerance
%Read Angle from Servo.
writeline(serialCOMLSS,"#0QD"),str = readline(serialCOMLSS);
strs = strsplit(str,"D"); % ["*0QD" "769915"]
angstr = strs(2);
ang = str2double(angstr)
diff = abs(ang - angold);
angold = ang;
%Read Angle from Servo.
writeline(serialCOMLSS,"#0QD"),str = readline(serialCOMLSS);
strs = strsplit(str,"D"); % ["*0QD" "769915"]
angstr = strs(2);
hold on, plot(ind,str2double(angstr)/10.0,'k.'), drawnow
ind = ind + 1;
if ~ishandle(ButtonHandle)
disp('Loop stopped by user');
serialCOMLSS = [];
The command to set the offset is “CO” or just “O” if you don’t want the value to be saved after next reboot.
Here is a quick video showing the command sent by the LSS-Config.