LSS HT1 - Is there a way to mimic low torque

Is it possible to mimic the feeling of a low torque motor with the HT1? My first use case is I’d like to feel resistance while physically pushing the motor arm far away from it’s setpoint. Then, when I release my finger the motor would return to it’s setpoint.

My second use case is to use the motor as a knob and mimic “detents” so that it feels like a stereo A/V knob. I’d like to activate the motor with low-torque at each detent so that a user gets tactile feedback that is easy to ‘push through’ and keep turning.

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Interesting ideas @musk!

You can change the holding behavior by changing AS & AH.
Set the LSS-HT1 AH value to one that is low (maybe even negative, such as -1) and increase the AS value (maybe 4?). I’m thinking lots of tweaking and trial & error will be required here. This will allow more “give” to the holding of the desired position.
This should reasonably reproduce the effect that you are trying to get.

For this one you may simply want to hold a position (again tweaking AS/AH) and continuously examine the LSS-HT1’s QC. As the user pushes the motor towards one direction or the other (turning the knob), the resistance will increase and therefore the current, too. Since it is a knob, you should be able to tell the difference easily between “no force on knob”, “some force on knob” and “lots of force on knob” (i.e.: time to turn). This is when you change the set point with MD (or D) by a fixed delta, give a small delay before you monitor QC again (kinda like debouncing so you don’t skip “detents”) for motion and once that delay is completed resume waiting for force from the user on the knob.

edit/note: If using EM=0, maybe use FPC=0, too, to deactivate the input filter and work directly with the controller.