LR3 (upgraded to connect) not registering gauge reset when emptied

Hi @TrentonC ,

Thank you for the details.

We will check with Whisker support if they have some additional advice.

Oops, typo… The cat box was just “emptied” , not “entered”

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No problem. But here is a new reply from Whisker support:

Regarding the waste drawer reading, please advise that the customer is only emptying the waste drawer when indicated by the app or the flashing blue light on the control panel.

The gauge is adaptive and learning. Please advise the customer to only reset the waste drawer when it’s full. After a few complete full-to-empty cycles, the gauge should reflect the use conditions.

We also recommend testing the cat sensor by pressing the top of the entryway (not the bonnet), down and away, toward the back of the unit. You should be able to feel a slight spring/bounce movement - this is a good sign that the robot can freely move and that there are no obstructions to prevent the cat sensor from functioning. Our Litter-Robot 3: Activating Cat Sensor Video demonstrates how to activate the cat sensor.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions and if there is any further support we can provide.

Thank you, I’ll try a few cycles of only emptying when told by the app. I do believe the “bounce” is present as suggested.

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