LR3 TIP: replacing bonnet terminal pins

TIP: both of the bonnet terminal pins have to be replaced in the same slot that they were in originally, to keep the wires that lead from them in the same places. This is mentioned only very briefly at the very end of the video from RobotShop support:

I replaced my 7 yr-old LR3 bonnet terminal pins, but the colors of the wires were very similar (or identical), and I messed it up the first time.

When the bonnet terminal pins were switched into the wrong places, the night light did not work, and the yellow light ‘slow flashed’ (about once a second) when the room got dark. When I turned the light in the room on, the yellow flashing stopped and it went back to solid blue. But, there were also some pauses and stops in rotation during cycling.

As soon as I switched the positions of the bonnet terminal pins so that they were correct, the night light worked normally and I have not had a problem since.

If you are replacing the bonnet terminal pins, you may want to temporarily tape the wires down to the inside of the bonnet or label them somehow, until you get the pins back in and are ready to screw the pin cover back on.

I wish the RobotShop would send out some printed help along with the replacement parts!


Thank you for these tips @SAS_sensei . A lot of people are replacing these pins after couple of years of robot usage so it will be helpful.

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