LR3 Connect - Solid yellow light and blinking yellow light

I’ve got the exact same problem as Korbi. My unit is still under warranty, do I need to buy the DFI sensor on my own dime or is that covered?

Hi @SHO89

You have same blue blinking light issue?

You tried already troubleshooting?

If you bought it from RobotShop, please give us your order ID so we can check your warranty status.

No, the flashing yellow/solid yellow. It will stay solid yellow for a few hours, with no response to any of the buttons, including the power button, then all of a sudden, unprovoked, it will do a half cycle and get stuck upside down, then just fast flash yellow. Then if I hard reset and manually re-center the dome, it just goes back to unresponsive solid yellow when powered back on. I’ve tried every troubleshooting step there is. My order # is 923031.

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Hey @SHO89

Is yellow light blinking slowly (once per second) or quickly (twice per second)?

Twice per second. But like I said most of the time it’s just a solid yellow with no response to any of the buttons.

Have you already checked anti-pinch pins?

They are touching, and I cleaned them, would they be worth trying to replace before the dfi sensor?

It is most probably issue with DFI sensor. Replacing of anti-pinch pins probably wouldn’t solve the issue.

When yellow light was blinking fast, did you try pressing Reset button?

Also please give us a serial number of the robot.

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