Modular Autonomous Quadruped Robot Project (Open Source)
- Designed with Fusion 360®
- Coded in Arduino language on Teensy 3.5 & Arduino
- Modular structure (Lidar, Drone, Gas detection)
- Autonomous features
(Avoiding obstacle, maintain balance, pressure control)
- PI (Proportion - Integral) control
- Inverse Kinematics & Kinematics formulas applied
- Sense Capacity: Lidar, Gas detection, Pressure sensors
Gyroscope, GPS, Wi-Fi connection, Camera
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Hi @LimenitisReducta
Welcome to the RobotShop Community!
Thanks for sharing your project! Well done!
Congratulations for the awards you received! 
Thank you very much Mariane 
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Great job @LimenitisReducta 
I think that this is the most detailed robot project that we have on our forum 
Thank you for that.
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It is my pleasure, I am glad to hear you like it. Thanks.
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Well done and well documented ! This is what is an “ideal” robot post! Looking forward to seeing you post new creations.
CBenson thank you very much for your kind and encouraging comment. Glad to hear my project is accepted and considered ideal. Best Regards 
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What comes to mind is that it shouldn’t be hard these days to find a UAV the size of your 3D printed model (even with integrated camera).
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Are you considering developing accessories to add ruggedness and weathertightness?
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