Looking for VB.Net sample code to connect to and communicate with the Devantect USB to I2C module

Hello, I am new to using USB to I2C communication in a VB.Net program, and am wondering if anyone might have any code that may get me started with using my Devantect USB to I2C module. Something as simple as code that connects to the module as well as sends/receives commands would be very helpful. Preferably in VB.Net, but another language m

Looking through some code I found, I see functions that require addresses (&H71, for example), registers numbers (INPUT_PORT_REGISTER = 0, OUTPUT_PORT_REGISTER = 1, for example), but I’m not sure where to find that information for my Devantect module.

I have a temperature sensor connected to the I2C module, and I will eventually need to communicate with that module in order to read the temperature, but I’m waiting to hear from the manufacturer of that sensor what the specs are for that, and what will be necessary to communicate with it.

Thank you!

Could not find any VB.net sample code for Devantect USB to I2C module. This is the only documentation I found: http://ohm.bu.edu/~pbohn/nEDM/capsensor/Data_Sheets/Devantech-USB-I2C.pdf

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Thank you! I think between the example program, and the source code to see what it’s doing, I should at least be able to figure out how to integrate it into my code! Will post here again if I come across any other problems.