Looking for other forums about building robots

Any other forums that are more active than this one? I just can't believe I can't find other sites that are making robots and talking about them. 

I want to build another robot with tracks that will be able to run through snow and water and not worry about ruining the electronics. Also I can't seem to find tracks big enough. Its going to be a large robot and will need tracks similar to say a honda HP250 or similar tracked wheelbarrow. I just can't find tracks. 


I have come across some on ebay from snowblowers like this...



but they are too small 

Robot rebels and Coolkidsrobots are somewhat active.

I use project enclosures with rubber gaskets on them. I have a bot with three on it. Look on eBay for the boxes. 



Other clubs

Dallas Personal Robotics Group: www.dprg.org

Robotics Society of Southern California: www.rssc.org

The Robotics Club of Yahoo: www.robojrr.tripod.com

There are dozens more out there, “Google is your friend”.


The Robotics Club of Yahoo: http://robojrr.tripod.com/