I am looking for an Aldebaran NAO v4 for parts for a reasonable price with shipping to France.
I recently bought a v4 for Christmas for my daughter, but unfortunately it fell from a very high table 5 min before I was about to put it under the tree… I was devastated, and so was my daughter as you can imagine. I had programmed a complete show with automated motion and chat GPT dialogue, and it seems like it decided to walk off the table by itself… Result: right arm fell off, scratches everywhere, and doesn’t move any limb anymore except in diagnosis mode.
I have been searching for parts for the last 3 days.
Thanks for your help!
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Hello there. Have you been able to find the parts? i have a V4 that works pretty well, but has a problem with the Inertial Unit. When laying down in its back can not get back up by itself. Otherwise it works well. It walks and can get up from the normal resting position with the legs bent. I’m not sure if i want to sell you mine or i want to buy yours… how much would you ask for your robot as-is? i may try to recover the inertial unit on this one… give me your thoughts
I might have found another robot, but I am still looking. I really want to repair it if possible.
How much are you looking for yours?
FYI someone just posted an add for an inertial unit on eBay today
The ebay add is an Inertial Unit for a V5… i know the part number. The V5 has 3 axis, and the V4 has 2. Not compatible.
You said you found another V4 for parts? I was actually interested in buying yours… Let me know if you actually get the new robot and then if you end up with an extra Inertial unit…
Essentially broken plastic parts everywhere both structural and cosmetic. I used a combination of super glue, UV resin and pieces of metal for reinforcement.A few cut wires and ribbon cables that I had to solder, a few disconnected cables. It seems to be functional now
You seem to know your way around these robots… that is fantastic… would you be open to help me fix my robots? i have one V5, one V6 and one V4… i used them all with children and schools… but they all have some problem… Aldebaran is trying to rip my head off with the repair cost… only to take a look at them it costs around €400 each…
I will contact you there. Another question, just out of curiosity. Could you share how much did you pay for your V4?.. At the time he was in working order right? i mean before he decided this life was too hard and tried to commit sucide.