This quest to build a stand-alone I2C pan/tilt range finder controller started with an article here by Ladvien. In, Ladvien explores using an ATtiny85 (84) as an I2C motor controller...
And in, Chris the Carpenter gives us an awesome pan and tilt code example... so...
I personally have a need to offload the sonar rangefinding scan function from my primary Arduino, as it messes with the timers and causes the entire system to run slowly.
As I want to be able to provide for the various devices most people use, there are not enough pins on the ATtiny85 for what I need, but the ATtiny84 will do just fine!
ATtiny84 short data sheet - ATtiny84 long data sheet
Attached Devices:
Depending on whether you use Ping or MaxSonar ultrasound rangefinders, or Sharp IR rangefinders the pin requirements will differ.\
I will be designing this control module to accept any combination . The Setup routine should identify what modules are attached, and provide output accordingly.
- I will require the two pins SDA and SCL for the I2C interface.
- I will require PWM outputs for the pan and tilt servos.
- I will require two digital Inputs for front and rear MaxSonar EZ rangefinders PWM.
- I will require two digital Outputs for front and rear Ping SR04 rangefinders trigger.
- I will share the MaxSonar digital input pins for for front and rear Ping SR04 rangefinders echo.
- I will require two analog inputs for front and rear Sharp IR rangefinders
That's a total of 2 I2C pins, 6 digital pins, and two analog pins.
- SET PAN TO: Angle from 0-180 degrees Zero to the left, 90 degrees being center, and 180 to the right.
- SET TILT TO: Angle from 0-135 degrees Zero being 45 degrees down, 90 being center, and 135 being straight up (thoughts???)
- SET PAN INCREMENT: Range from 1 degree per increment to 10 degrees per increment (Again, thoughts?)
- SET TILT INCREMENT: Range from 1 degree per increment to 10 degrees per increment....
- SET CONVERSION: Boolean for Inches or Centimeters
- SET SWEEP START: Angle at which rangefinding sweep starts.
- SET SWEEP END: Angle at which rangefinding sweep ends.
- INITIATE SWEEP: Iniatiate a sweep, using current pan increment, sweep start and stop.
- SET RETURN COUNT: The number of data points to return on GET DATA
- GET DATA: Retrieve most recent full scan
Future Thoughts:
If there are enough cycles left after coding the above, allow for:
- Return Polar Coordinates: Data returned in consecutive integer pairs (Angle, distance)
- Return Cartesian Coordinates: Data returned in consecutive integer triplets (Angle, x, y)
- Commit unused pins to LED/Infrared/Lazer illumination
So, before I commit this to circuit board, I would love to get your feedback.