Looking for an Adapter to make a gearbox

Hi there,

I think the Robot shop is the right place to ask…:innocent:
for my model railway I need to bulid a special adapter ->
I have a microservo wich uses 45°. (It’s for a bought kit of a segment turntable).
I need a little more power, and I’d like to get the movement slower.
So my idea is to reduce the servo with a gearbox - perhaps 3:1 .
To build this, I need an adapter for the Micro servo head to get on a shaft, and on the other end an adapter to get from a shaft to a Micro Servo head (matching to the seat in the kit).
(and in the middle matching gear wheels :sunglasses:)
But I thinkthat I didn’t find the right parts … can you help me?
Thx in advance


There are so few accessories made for micro servos that finding a gear and/or gearbox which is compatible is next to impossible. The best option would unfortunately be to design and 3D print (or laser cut) your own gears. Note that instead of designing the bore to match the spline of the servo, you might want to have it connect to the horn. The easier solution is to simply get a more powerful servo.