Looking for a robot code

does anyone have a arduino compatible code that has 2 motors and a ultrasonic sensor?


thank you

Can you specify a little

Can you specify a little more detail in what you want to occur with the code? For example do you want the motors to go reverse when the ultrasonic sensor gets to a certain value? And also I suggest that if you are a beginer than you should learn about programming for your self. There is plenty of great tutorials on the arduino website. 



i just want it to go until it sees a wall and turn. I also want the sensor in a servo. I also am in the process of learning arduino coding but some stuff came up and a didnt get to learn and write a code. I need the code for a “school project” if you want to call it that.


ment to say on a servo


**Sorry, no instant “A+” for you **

There are several Start Here Robots that implement ultrasonics and Arduinos but there isn’t a lot of posted code to go with them. Cerbrus v2 has code posted and the bot exhibits a behavior similar to what you describe but with two sensors and no servo. I believe you can earn your grade if you figure out how to modify/add that small bit of code to what dan has provided you. It’s practically a free “A.” :slight_smile:

Try searching this site for

Try searching this site for ‘arduino shr’. I think you will find one or two examples with code posted. For example, Penny and Compact.

uBotino maybe?

IG had a review for this board:https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/26200

and there is sample code for uBotino here which include what you ask.

Yes I do…

…check out Steven X (https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/26392) I used a ouple of code samples since I am also new in Arduino programming to make this work. It might be (it is) not the perfect solutiion but it works and you can improve it by getting ideas how it works.