Looking for a cute robo

I’m looking for a robo toy for my cousin, he’s very keen on robotics and electronics. I was checking out the variants https://www.bestadvisor.com/robot-dog-toys Contixo Puppy is my absolute favorite, but I’m not sure whether the choice is fittable for a child(9 years). I’d be grateful If someone could give me a piece of advice on what should I pay attention to?

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Hello @Amirax and welcome to the forum!

There is a huge offer of robot toys on our website:

Now, the question is, what your cousin loves and how big your budget is?

Since you were looking at robot dog toys, maybe you can also look at these:


He likes comics (obviously xD). Mainly DC universe. He also likes pets, he’s a kind and sweet kid. That’s why I suggest to purchase a puppy robot) My budget is around 100-150$. Thanks for the links, appreciate it)


great post! I can have a look for my nephew as well:hugs:

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Get something 90s-2000s from eBay. Electronics were actually cool back then.