Looking for a 8 meters radius Lidar

Hi! I’m looking for a lidar with a radius of 8 meters.

I looked at the RPLidar A1 from Slamtec, and it says 12 meters range, but I think (and you can correct me) that this means 6 meters radius? If yes, this is not what I am looking for.

I also check for the YDLidar X4, wich says 10 meters range. From some picture I saw, it could be a 10 meters radius, but I want to be sure before buying.

If none of those options work, do you have another recommandation for a lidar with a 8 meters radius?

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Hi @Lampades and welcome to our forum.

For RPLidar A1 from Slamtec, it should be that 12m is radius. See Figure 2-2 in this document: https://www.robotshop.com/media/files/pdf2/ld108_slamtec_rplidar_datasheet_a1m8_v1.1_en_2_.pdf

Same should be for YDLidar X4. 10 meters radius. See image on page 6: https://www.robotshop.com/media/files/content/y/ydl/pdf/ydlidar_x4_user_manual2.pdf

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