LocoRobo Low Cost Educational Networked Robotics

LocoRobo has begun their crowd-funding campaign at IndieGogo which will last until January 1st, 2015! Please head over to indiegogo.com/projects/locorobo-master-programming-through-robotics and check out what is available. Pictures, videos and additional information is included on the Indiegogo page.

The robot’s software includes: a LocoRobo App (for Android and iOS), C, Python, Matlab and Javascript based APIs and Arduino Libraries and software APIs which will be made open-source. The system also allows for users to write their own Arduino code to upload to the robot.

The robot hardware includes: a Differential Drive, Ultrasonic Sensors, a Ring of LEDs, Wireless Blue Tooth Communication, an ATmega32U4 Microcontroller, and a Lithium Ion Battery.

Very interesting project. We hope you succeed and contact us (RobotShop) to be a distributor.