LMR on Twitter

LMR is on Twitter under the name LetsMakeRobots.


LMR Tweets (updated 2012-04-22)

I have been actively tweeting as LetsMakeRobots June 2011. You can too. To get your tweet re-tweeted by LMR, simply begin your tweet with '@letsmakerobots' (without the quotes). Within 5 minutes, your tweet should be reposted from the LMR Twitter account. It'll come out looking like this:



Pretty simple. Get tweeting!

I post information on all the great robots, tips and such created by all of you. I also respond to tweets from others, and post robotics related news that I find relevant when I find it.

We have been building a following, and on April 22, 2012 we reached a goal I set to get 1000 LetsMakeRobots followers. Acheivement unlocked! Hurray!

Below is a graph of our Twitter statistics since I started tweeting on June 28, 2011. It shows the steady progress we made growing LMR's name on Twitter by sharing great content. 


LMR Member List

I have created a Twitter list of LMR members that I know about. The list is at https://twitter.com/#!/LetsMakeRobots/lmr-members, and you can subscribe to the list to keep up on tweets from LMR members.

The list is public, and anyone can subscribe to the list to see tweets from all the list members.

If you want to be added to the list, simply send a tweet to @letsmakerobots and ask to be added.

If you are on the list and want to be removed, send a tweet and just ask!

Never tried it. At the same

Never tried it. At the same time I am not realy tempted by it, just don’t see a purpose to know what my friends, or people I don’t even know, are doing or thinking off at any time of day. If you are fallowing a company or a groop then I can understand its’ usefulness but still.

Or is it just that I am missing something?  

No it’s not since it’s

No it’s not since it’s blocked in China and I don’t want to waste time for things which are not reliable.(Facebook I am using just a few times per month since it’s also blocked here.

My most activity is on Flickr and now also here :slight_smile:


Never used it

or facebook etc.  Not  into  the so called social networking - I have a life :slight_smile:

:smiley: It appears that this is

:smiley: It appears that this is the safest way to reach people outside our circles, Andrew :smiley:

OK, I admit I had a hidden

OK, I admit I had a hidden agenda when I posted this. I am now tweeting as LetsMakeRobots from Twitter. My goal is to reach people who might not come to letsmakerobots.com.

I’ll be tweeting content from LMR regularly, and trying to build a following by interacting with others on Twitter.

So if you are a Twitter user, subscribe.

If you have something cool you want to promote, let me know and I’ll tweet about it if it seems appropriate.

I once used Twitter but felt

I once used Twitter but felt like by not having it constantly let me know something was going on, I was missing out. It made my Blackberry at the time a nuisance. I then went to just checking every hour or so on the website but even then felt like I was missing out on a lot of what was going on or available. I would like to give it another go in the near future though.

Well, I’m tweeting actively

Well, I’m tweeting actively as LetsMakeRobots, but if you already stay up todate on the site you may not care. I do try to engage other Twitter users with related interests and comment on robotics related news and such as I find it. So there is some content that doesn’t originate at LMR.

I opened a new Twitter

I opened a new Twitter account and added You and LMR. I’m always looking for new ideas and info, so maybe being on Twitter again will feed the creativity.

What are you using for your

What are you using for your Twitter stats? :slight_smile:

I check a few different

I check a few different sites, but Twittercounter.com gives me the basics, plus a predition of growth in followers.

I was using klout.com to get the unique retweets and mentioners, but they’ve stopped reporting on that.

The graph above was made in Microsoft Excel using the raw data.

Updated: 2012-01-04

Updated with stats from Jan-03.

A new year of tweeting

I haven’t had much time to tweet lately, but I’m starting up again in the new year. I may still make my goal of 1000 followers in 9 months.

I’m trying to post one robot, one tip, one blog, and one ‘something else’ each day.

Keep making great content and I’ll keep tweeting it!

I’m following,

I’m following,

Updated: 2012-01-31

Graph is updated. We’re looking pretty good for reaching 1000 subscribers by the end of March.


Way to go IG(Andrew).


That’s really gr8! I am also a new follower on LMR…so I wish even more followers will come!

Long live Let’s make robots!! :wink:

Update and new LMR List

Updated the graph. We are getting close to 900 followers. It’s going to be tough to hit my original goal of 1000 users in nine months. It’s a completely arbitrary goal, but I’ll still be kinda bummed if we don’t make it.

Also, something new. There is now a list of LMR members on Twitter, so people can easily keep up with LMRians via Twitter.

March 2012 Update


We’re at about 920 followers and it’s mid-March, which I think means we won’t quite hit 1000 by the month’s end. However, I’m still pretty happy with how our followers have grown and the connections I’ve helped make through Twitter. 

New Voices Behind LMR

As I announced in this post, I’ll be away for a couple of weeks in April, so I’ve solicited for other LMR members to stand in on the Twitter account during that time. 

GeneralGeek (@NoahMoroze on Twitter) and BotFIN (@BotFIN) have been tweeting for LMR via their own accounts, while I have retweeted their messages. They’re doing a very nice job so far. If you follow us on Twitter, be sure to give them your encouragement and constructive feedback.