If your still looking for robots I’ll be happy to bring mine - not that they are that interesting - just a quick and dirty line-follower, and my variation of the SHR.
I am planning on being at Maker Faire NYC for most of Saturday. I’ll be bringing my walking robot with me. I can show it off, but I can’t guarentee how long or when it will be working.
We’ll have some line following tracks set up for the SpurtBots and a maze for Patrick’s Maze Solving Bot, plus materials to make more, so your line follower will have a place to play, and maybe some friends.
I’m going to bring my own robot, Penny, who started out as an SHR, got ‘upgraded’ to an Arduino, and may get another upgrade right at the Faire.
I did send the kit, have fun with it. I will have to order new boards with the name changed to the Robot Builder’s R-duino (same pronunciation, different spelling), as the “Arduino” name is trademarked and it seems that I can’t use it in a product without approval and pay a license fee. Let me know if you need the assembly guide, as I had to remove it from the site until I correct it.
Thanks for having it Andrew. My brother will enjoy making the spurt bot. Also thanks to everyone who sent bots which were all very cool and to robotgoldfish for his Maker Faire challange in which I won.
Hey Joe, welcome to LMR! Have a look around and please do post your projects. If you haven’t done so already, take a look at the rules posted at the top of the site for some guidance.
Too bad you missed Maker Faire. This was my first and I’m definitely returning next year.