We're raising money for the development of LMRv4, and your generous donations have helped. If you haven't already, please visit our donation page for more info.
Our first round of funding was supported by Seeedstudio, who supplied some great prizes!
DSO Nano v2 | Grove - Starter Kit | Seeeduino ADK Main Board | Seeeduino V3.0 | Grove - Motor Shield | Ultrasonic Range Measurement Module |
Results: Donor Drawing
Our robots selected five winners in order, plus five alternates. The drawing was shown live on RobotGrrl’s Robot party on May 3rd. For more info on how the robots were used to select the winners, see the Challenge page.
Nils machine selected Winners 1, 3, and 5 and alternates 2 and 3 (first video). RobotFreak’s robot selected Winners 2 and 4, and alternates 1, 3, and 5 (second video).
We actually had some irregularities with the drawing. Things got a bit chaotic. When Nils’ machine was selecting winners, one figure got accidently turned by his finger and went from 3 to 2. This can be observed in the first video below. The Chaot selected winner 452 but I changed it to 453.
Never fear. Seeedstudio kindly supplied one extra prize. We thank them for their cool understanding. This enabled us to have Winner 3a and Winner 3b.
The first winner gets their choice of prizes. In the event a winner cannot be reached or declines their prize, the next person in line gets their pick.
- Winner 1: Manfred.Schwab (did not respond)
- Winner 2: Olav Schettler (prize selected)
- Winner 3a: mogul (prize deferred)
- Winner 3b: b.yoel0@XXXXX (prize deferred)
- Winner 4: robo Paul (prize selected)
- Winner 5: Geir Anderson (prize selected)
- Alternate 1: Gareth (prize selected)
- Alternate 2: the.mechatronics.guy (prize selected)
- Alternate 3: Dalton Caughell (prize selected)
- Alternate 4: Dan M (better luck next time)
- Alternate 5: stigern (better luck next time)
Congratulations to all, but more importantly, thanks to every single donor for their assistance!
If you are listed as a winner, you will receive an email in the near future acknowledging your win and asking for your prompt selection of a prize. Because the first winner gets first choice, and so on, I encourge each of you to respond quickly, so those coming behind you are not left waiting too long.
We will make every effort to reach each winner, but if we have not heard back from someone in a reasonable amount of time, their prize may be forfeited.
Once more, congratulations and thank you for supporting LetsMakeRobots with your generous donations.
Prizes Shipping!
Thanks to Seeed Studio for their sponsorship and support. All the donor prizes are ready to ship.