LMR Donor Drawing II

As most of you know, we are planning another robotically-selected drawing to pick winners for our five LMR Donation donor prizes. 


Last time, we did the drawing on RobotGrrl’s Robot Party, and it was a hoot! However, we had some LMR members comment that the regularly scheduled time for the Robot Party is not very convenient for people is Asia, Europe, and generally outside the Western Hemisphere. 

So, RobotGrrl has helpfully agreed to run a special edition Robot Party for the drawing. The only question is, when to do the drawing? It must be after June 15th, which is a Friday. Maybe it Is best to do it on Saturday the 15th. Does that work? What time of day is best for people? Maybe 9:00 PM CEST (UTC+2)?


The drawing will be at a special edition Robot Party at 12:00 UTC on Saturday June 16th. Click the link to find your local time equivalent.

Anyone who has donated can be entered to win 5 prizes from Adafruit. The drawing will be done on air, so it will be really fun!

Here is the time that it will be broadcasted:
Saturday June 16th @

  • 5AM PDT (UTC-7) (Vancouver, San Francisco)
  • 8AM EDT (UTC-4) (Toronto, New York)
  • 1PM PST (UTC+1) (Britain)
  • 5:30PM IST (UTC+5.5) (Mumbai)
  • 9PM JST (UTC+9) (Tokyo)
  • 10PM EST (UTC+10) (Sydney)


We’re really looking forward to getting the chance to meet robot builders who haven’t been on the Robot Party before!

To join the hangout, leave a comment saying that you will want to be in the Robot Party on RobotGrrl’s G+ page. This way she can add you to her circles, and when the hangout begins you can press the ‘Join Hangout’ button. Please bring a robot to show if you are planning to join the hangout!

You can still watch the hangout stream if you don’t want to be in the hangout! The stream will be live on the Robot Party page, where you can tune in and watch it! With Google+ Hangouts on Air, the recording is automatically saved and uploaded, so if you can’t make it, you can watch the recording!

This is similar to the previous special edition LMR fundraiser Robot Party celebration, where NilsB showed us his awesome chaos bot and picked the winners!

Hope to see everyone at this special edition Robot Party!


Drawing Results

Winner 1: the.mechatronics.guy

Winner 2: info@2xlnetworks

Winner 3: grasshopperrocket

Winner 4: Olav Schettler

Winner 5: RobotFreak

Alternate 1: kucza83

Alternate 2: dalmir.junior

Alternate 3: Andres Briano

Alternate 4: michael@robotfanatic

Alternate 5: info@ielektros

My suggestion…

Do it at 8 to 12 AM EST. That way, almost all the users of LMR will be present on the web. European members will be approximately 6 hours ahead of you and Asian members will be 10 to 16 hours ahead of you. If you do it at 8 AM, in Australia, it’ll still be midnight (or close to that).

The rest of us

As Oddbot says there are plenty of us round the world. How about looking outside the US of A and either making Europe or, with my bias,  Asia/Pacific the center.

Yep, China, India, Malaysia

Yep, China, India, Malaysia and all those eastern countries are quite a number in LMR.

I would suggest that we do this on a Saturday and in a reasonable time for all of us. But first we have to fix that damn time zone format. We should not talk about EST or CEST but UTC. This way everybody can easy calculate the time for his/her own location.


Hey, give me partial credit

Hey, give me partial credit for putting UTC in parenthesis along side the CEST time. ; j

Check out this time zone

Check out this time zone scheduler, Every Time Zone.


I do IG, I do ;-)And thanks

I do IG, I do :wink:

And thanks for the scheduler.

Definitely agree with

Definitely agree with running the drawing on a Saturday - I can stay up late or get up early if needed, but the issue that stops me from joining the usual robot party is that it ends up being on while I’m still at work =(

What time is best for you,

What time is best for you, OddBot? (and the others in China).

I agree w/AJN. Let’s make Asia/Pacific & Europe the center of this, then see how we can adjust it to make it semi-possible for USA. :slight_smile:

8AM (UTC-4) seems feasible, vishu! Does anyone have any issues with that? It would be 9PM (UTC+9: Tokyo) though.

Hope we’ll be able to see everyone this way! It would be really fun! :smiley:

seems that’s a good time.

seems that’s a good time. However, the New Zealand members would be screwed. But anyway, no matter how we do it someone have to take the bitter pill  to eithr not join or stay awake to a time people usually sleep ,-)

Looks like Erin and I have

Looks like Erin and I have settled in on 8AM EDT (UTC-4) on Saturday June 16th.

Thanks for the input, everyone. Hope to see you at this party!

Great timing…
Well, the time zone you’ve decided for this party suits me well. Only people in New Zealand will have to wake up till late which is better than half the globe missing the party. Cya at the party!

Well, i do have to cancel

Well, i do have to cancel some hot dates for that but  will try to be there :slight_smile: Just to make sure, this is Saturday 8pm CST right? (UTC +8) …lemme check this…UTC -4 + UTC +8 = +12 hours -> 8am Saturday morning in Canada is 8pm here in Shanghai, right? Ok, i know there is a tool to just read it but I need to do it this way … hahaha

Need to make some calls now ;-)))

Almost forgot about this!

Almost forgot about this! Donated just in time to be entered in the drawing :smiley:

tis’ gonna be a blast!!!

tis’ gonna be a blast!!!

You guys are just great :smiley:

You guys are just great :smiley:

Conragtulation to all the

Conragtulation to all the winners.

The party was a great experience. Just imagine that people from around the world hanging out together, one is just having breakfast and the other eating dinner…

We should do more worldwide hangouts ;-)