LMR community on skype

I make another off topic forum to ask you this-

Does anyone know if there is an LMR Community Group on skype?

If yes then please tell me about it.

If no, then I want to start one but want permission to do so. The main action remains here in LMR and on the shout box but we can go a step further and increase our limits. Skype can be a way to know others both face to face or through voice and text.

If there isn't a group on Skype, can you guys post your views here on this topic?

Also, if you want, you can leave your skype user id here for others to find you. My skype user id is vishurockssrivastava (for anyone who wants to add me).

Google Plus

It seems that many folks are walking away from Skype -especially after the buy-out (when the call quality got even worse). There does seem, however, to be a pretty good gathering of robot folks (LMR and others) over at Google Plus. The G+ hangouts allow a video call among many people (unlike just the 2 you get via skype) and the G+ circles seem to keep eveyone’s “worlds” organized. For me, I simply keep all my high school friends over at Facebook, and all of my nerd friends seem to be at G+.

You may want to open yourself an account over there and take a look --It might be closer to the “skype group” you are looking for.

There’s actually a G+ page

There’s actually a G+ page for LetsMakeRobots.


I already am on G+
Well this was just a way to increase the coverage of this site. I’m a member of the facebook group and have a few friends on G+ too but I feel that skype will increase the number of ways in which we can communicate. I don’t know about the skype buyout and how it has affected quality though. Skype still is a good source to contact each other. Plus you can instantly share files, pics and videos. Those who are there can talk to each other both in public and private modes (although I believe that if you have to say something, make the whole world hear about it :slight_smile: which is lacking in shout box, facebook (well it doesn’t lack in messages which are private), twitter and G+. I made this forum just to get your opinions. If we have popular support and if the core group doesn’t have any problems, then why not make one?

Well, anyone on LMR can do

Well, anyone on LMR can do whatever they like. ALABTU!

So if you would like to run a Skype group for LMR, and one does not exist, I suggest you go ahead and do it.

For example, the Google+ group was started by RobotFreak. I started up the Flickr group for LMR on my own, and simply announced it on the forums. It hasn’t been super popular, but it’s there if anyone wants to use it.


vishurockssrivastava, I

vishurockssrivastava, I think it’s a great idea! Let us know if we can support you :slight_smile:

I just updated “Quick links” (bottom right box) with all the other “externals” that I am aware of :slight_smile: Let me know when I can throw in a Skype, or what you create :slight_smile:

Thanks fritsl…
Sorry for the double post but really I got 60 seconds to make the group, add contacts and type all this so I made this mistake of submitting it twice. Sorry!! And well, there is no problem in thanking fritsl twice :slight_smile:

Thanks fritsl…

I’ve added the skype page but as of now, I just added a few members-

Metalmonkeelad, Aaronsuper1, robot boy, general geek and torrentula are added. Give them your skype usernames and they’ll add you to the group.

The group is named “Let’s Make Robots” (atleast that’s what I remember, I got 30 seconds to make it). To my knowledge, groups on skype act more as a contact directory than as an open group anyone can be part of. I may be wrong but as of now, please just leave you user names here as a comment and someone will add you to the group. As I get closer to 2nd June, my time online will decrease so for now, I request someone to help me out. I’ll be free after 2nd June, 7 P.M. IST but till then, I may not be able to add anyone myself but other members who are added can add others to it.

we want you!

give us yer skype usernames and we will add you to the robolution!

just comment yer usernames and we will add you to the group, cheers!







Once you become a member…
Please add anyone to the group whom you feel like adding. If you know other members from LMR and they are willing to join, don’t think twice, just add them to the group.


robotmaster18 join me.





this is mine
