LMR 2 years old

At the time of writing this, LMR is about to celebrate it's 2 years birthday, and already people are bringing presents in the shape of birthday related pictures and stuff.

Please, if you are doing so, link to it from here (if it is a robot, blog entry etc) - (or directly write below if applicable)

Hoorayy :D

Will there be virtual cake?
Will there be virtual cake? (get on it java guys.)




happy birthday lmr…



I dont get it

SCratch scratch

gcode, chris is also known as the "p. shouter"

** 2 years of many to come**

Well done LMR lets have many more



Happy Birthday LMR!
Happy (Advance) Birthday LMR!And Thanks to fritsl.




PS: We are more than 10.000 members now!

Who gave the kid coffee and an internet? That’s a deadly combo, I know by experience…

Happy Birthday!

Hallelujah and happy birthday LMR!

Been away for quite a while (and not been building robots for a long time) but it’s always nice to pop in once in a while and see that everything is prospering and people are still making all sorts of cool stuff and helping each other out.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this site what it is today! Oh yes and thanks to OddBot for writing those cool blog entries from China - actually they are my most valued readings in here, so keep’em coming! :smiley:


I could not have said it any better:

Thanks to everyone who helped make this site what it is today!

That sums it up!



time flys so fast, it seems like only yesterday i was having a fight with fritsl about a PIR sensor ( sorry bout that)

but to all the inspiring robot builders who helped make this site THANK YOU .

(I was right about the

(I was right about the PIR)


**to true **
so very true, i did get it working though :stuck_out_tongue:

You did? It’s off topic, but

You did? It’s off topic, but show me link?

**i did nt document it **
i didnt doccument it, tomorro ill set it up and take some pics

Aperture Science
The cake is the truth!

There will be cake!played

There will be cake!

played portal right emuller?

I have have you?
