Live Shows #001 - #003, --- COMING SOON ---
Live Show #004.1, September 24, 2010
The show is late to record (missed around 20 minutes). A humorous recap about An-Tech's question regarding interfacing with a 24LC256 EEPROM chip using I2C. Rik also mentions node 4385 that asks if sound can be stored as well.
Live Show #004.2, September 24, 2010
Rik reminds Chris to hit record after the USTREAM burp :)
(1:23) Live Show Help Segment (continued): Addressing EEPROMs with I2C
(2:24) Live Show Project Highlight: LogoTurtleBot by isotope
- Built for the Write-LMR-Challenge
- "...His accuracy is to die for..."
(7:18) Live Show Segment: Analog vs. Digital Servos
(10:46) Rik talks about Antonb's Supermodified servos
- Open source project
- Powers Antonb's five-degrees-of-freedom robotic arm
- Can handle velocity profiles
(16:35) Chris shares with Rik why his new encoders are so sweet.
(19:22) DutchBot as special guest -or- Rik's Skype dice game.
(22:14) DutchBot is no-go and Rik explains his game.
(26:52) Calls go out for an impromptu guest, and "Rik" pities the fool that don't answer his Skype!
(28:55) Live Show wrap-up.
- Help arrange the Live Show phone number (206-888-6603) into letters!
- Chris says he has two and soon to be three pieces of hardware he'll review.
- Rik announces the first non-broadcasted/recorded-only Live Show Aftershow.
(32:00) Aftershow begins.
Live Show #005.1, October 1, 2010
Funniest thing not properly captured on video: Girl Flavor.
(3:41) Chris and Rik start the music.
(8:18) The Weekly News with your hosts, Chris and Rik.
- Rik verges on starting his $5 Transmitter segment but Chris reels him in.
- Chris talks about the faux-256kb moniker.
- Will go over talking Arduino in the review.
(24:36) Live Show Project Highlight: LineIronBot
(28:47) Metaphysical discussion of coming back as a speaker.
(30:53) Walter speaks your Tweets!
(35:35) Live Show User Highlight: RobotGrrl
- New API guru.
- Great projects that have that feminine touch.
- Come to LMR more frequently please!
Live Show #005.2, October 1, 2010
Really it's just a gigglefest starting with Walter burping out something unintelligable but apparently it was very, very funny.
Live Show #005.3, October 1, 2010
I think USTREAM sensed the show needed a hard reboot, and afterwards we get right back on track :)
(0:59) Rik returns to his $5 Transmitter segment.
- Talks about how he tested his signal strength
- Explains his technique of speed control
- A wise note from Chris about the zero code that gets sent when powering-down the transmitter. (20:00)
- Chris also recommends a view of frits' page on wireless.
- Brownie points for naming your kid "MacGyver."
(23:51) Live Show User Highlight: Geir Anderson
Creator of many robots including the discussed Whirligig and the Whirligig MkII aquatic devices.
- The hosts sing praises of Geir's craftsmanship.
Live Show #006, October 8, 2010
USTREAM blesses us with a non-interrupted presentation of the show!
(4:10) Rik shows off his wood.
- Chris challenges antidepressants to go up against his sweet audio fidelity.
- Life Lesson of the Week from Chris
- Rik says it will be big!
(10:25) Rik introduces his Wild Thumper project.
- Rik diagnoses and explains his loose resistor shunts.
(17:11) Live Show Robot Building Concept of the Week: Hacking Ribbon Cable
(21:08) Live Show User Highlight: Mazvydas
- His Robot Hand has been profiled by many.
- Rik feels it's a fine example of the complex idea becoming rediculously simple.
(25:39) Chris gets all-a-Twitter about Glen the Stove.
- Be sure to check "Glen the Stove" at Twitter! (not case sensitive)
(33:10) Rik talks about his package.
(38:02) Live Show Preview: Ro-Bot-X's Arduino Robot Builder Shield v1.0
- Packed with great features with one forgiveable caveat.
- Chris says, "Support LMR homies!"
(44:16) Chris speaks of an exclusive LMR club.
(54:41) Chris reminds you to watch the Aftershow on Ustream!
(55:23) Chris and his sentiments on his new WiFi camera.
(57:40) Special guest caller: fritsl Skypes in from his grandparents house in Denmark!
- fritsl talks about his Yellow Dance Machine and his vacuum molding discoveries.
- fritsl also enlightens us with advice and stories about doing robot shows.
(1:13:42) Live Show wrap-up
(1:15:30) Aftershow begins.
Live Show #007 (part 1), October 15, 2010
Live Show's set gets a remodel! No opening music or Walter thanks to...
(1:20) Chris and his COM port issues.
- Nick from Gadget Gangster shouts in and saves the day. Thanks Nick! (3:30)
- Also a special travel tip from OddBot for when you're travelling through China. (7:35)
(14:20) Rik begins covering the problem with his Wild Thumper project.
(17:10) Chris poses an interesting linguistics question to Rik.
(19:16) Live Show Project Highlight: The Box
- Chris approves of the accompanying stand-alone color tracking app.
(26:10) Rik talks more about his Thumper's stripped gear and the nuances of being a proper gearhead.
(28:14) Chris gives thanks to glena of bahbots for his contributions and Chris gives his insight on the Xbee v2.0 versus v2.5 (as well as Samuel L. Jackson).
(32:55) Live Show User Highlight: mintvelt
- First "tilt head" on LMR.
- Celebrates the humble PICAXE 08M
(39:36) Chris calls for a family meeting about Walter.
(44:18) Special guest caller: TinHead Skypes in at midnight from Romania!
- From salvaged furniture to Madrid v3.0 to the present, TinHeads talks about his Valkyrie Reloaded CnC machine project.
- Special "CtC analog Picture-in-Picture" experience!
Live Show #007 (part 2), October 15, 2010
Continues with the interview of special guest caller TinHead from #007 part 1. TinHead also gives a short (but excellent) clinic on stepper motors.
(17:05) Live Show #007 recap.
- Closing note from Rik to those with questions about his hard drive motors. (17:30)
Live Show #008 (part 1), October 22, 2010
Rik sent me a copy of the official show notes for this episode, but after the hundreds of spam mails, the email got lost in the abyss.
Chris goes handheld this week and Rik can't shake the video gremlins.
(2:13) Show starts but with no sweet music.
(4:00) Live Show Segment: "What's keeping us up at night."
- Chris admits to his deepening Propellor addiction.
- Chris also promises product reviews are coming soon! (5:00)
- Rik is endeavoring on talking to his home's furnace in binary (6:13).
(9:39) Rik shows off his 10K continuous potentiometer he got from his "Pot Meter Fairy."
(13:03) Chris has explainations for the delays in product reviews:
- Bahbots controller
- XBee's
- Propellor (may be in a blog format)
- One more???
- Covers Kelpy's question on powering multiple LEDs through one PICAXE pin.
- Note how Kelpy did his research before asking questions!
- Rik suggests referring to OddBot's How to make LEDs Glow not Blow! post
- "...Immaculate work..."
- "Two Brooksware 2000's!!!"
- Simple light following robot
- "...Clean, well done..."
Live Show #008 (part 2), October 22, 2010
(3:02) Live Show Project Highlight: My First Robot
- An oldie but a goody"
- "... Gorgeously done, gorgeously executed..."
- "Get inspired!"
(6:40) Begin discussion about the Full hand made UAV by Jad-Berro
- Send your money for the "Jad Berro Fly-No fly" pool to [email protected]
- Rik has some concerns about the vehicle's design.
Live Show #008 (part 3), October 22, 2010
Show continues on topic after a pause to gather the audience again.
(2:00) Chris begins his list of concerns.
(6:27) Jad's paraphrased response to the multitude of comments.
(9:13) Rik points out that Jad mas made many fine things before.
(10:30) Touches on polymorph.
(12:00) Rik asks Chris if the show notes should be in the Chillout Zone.
- JAX gets a pair of BW2000's for his efforts ( !o! right back at ya guys :D )
(13:35) Gareth proclaimed Undisputed Polymorph Guru!
(13:43) Rik shares his interest in oogoo (a silicone/cornstarch mixture).
(15:00) Talk about the Chillout Zone. It's for cool things such as...
- RobotFreak's LMR Logo Bot.
(19:55) The beginning of the spontaneous mission to try and get DutchBot on the show.
(29:00) The mission is officially scrapped.
(33:06) Aftershow begins.
Live Show #009, October 29, 2010
(2:00) Show starts with no audible Walter.
(6:03) The Weekly News from your hosts, Chris and Rik.
- Rik talks about his microcontroller/supercap project.
(8:50) We get a look at Chris' new control box for Glen the Stove.
(12:05) Chris shows off his new arcade buttons from Sparkfun.
(15:51) Rik gets into his OpenTherm-based furnace plans a bit.
(16:25) Rik talks about the pros and cons of Linux's free oscilloscope software.
(21:24) A note on the proper beat for CPR.
(23:30) The show touches on ignoblegnome's encoder problem.
(24:26) Homage to Q. Tarentino.
(26:31) Chris' previous COMPORT issue resolved
- patrickmccabe had the answer all along!
(26:48) Live Show Help Segment: De-bouncing
- Addresses counting issues mentioned by ignoblegnome in his post about his rotary encoder.
(36:00) JAX gets a lesson in quadrature encoders and their properties.
(44:13) Live Show Project Highlight: NINA
- Has the tracks that Chris lusts after.
- Project incorperates a servo operated robotic arm.
(48:34) Live Show Project Highlight: LED Cube
- Came through in one day!
- Displays the merits of good old blinky lights
(51:00) Chris asks Rik how he feels about floating inputs
- Rik offers many suggestions on how to insure proper operation of Chris' monster push buttons.
- Rik also mentions power drain issues with pull-up/down resistors on ADC lines (53:43)
(58:22) Rik shows off his Ro-bot-X 2x2 Arduino board.
- Rik gets free stuff too!
(1:01:15) Chris reminds the american viewers of their patriotic duty.
(1:10:10) Aftershow begins.
Live Shows #010, --- COMING SOON ---
Live Show #011 (part 1), November 12, 2010 - length: 13 minutes, 59 seconds
Like a well-oiled jackrabbit, the Show springs from the gates!
(0:36) Rik- "Look! It's music!"
(1:40) Says Chris of the show, "...(We're) rebuilding, cleaning up..."
(3:54) A quick synopsis of what's to come.
(5:17) A note about the shows' unintentional adult nature.
(6:05) Rik shows off his new component organizer box.
- To be used for the assortment of Futurlec component value packs he bought.
(9:15) A quick note about Life; pretaining to Episode #010.
(10:35) Chris talks about his new samples and the PCBs he's been making.
- Uses what Rik calls the "Pizza Box Cardboard Technique."
Live Show #011 (part 2), November 12, 2010 - length: 42 minutes, 40 seconds
(1:15) Talk about Chris' ADC SMD chips.
- The chips are for the his Propellor
- Description of the basic resistor-capacitor method that your microprocessor is probably using.
- Won second place in the TinyCLR Halloween Contest.
- It even gets the nod of approval from resident master woodworker patrickmccabe.
- Discussion about using .wav files and SD cards (11:11)
(13:49) Live Show User Highlight: Jaimie
- 3-4 meters tall, 4-6 meters in diameter.
- Made out of scrap aluminum and scrap aluminium.
- Be sure to check out and comment on his YouTube videos
(18:36) Live Show Project Highlight: Valkyrie No.4
- The fourth version of this CnC machine has made something besides another CnC machine.
- Made a 32-tooth 22mm diameter gear, aka Richard Gear.
(24:00) Live Show Project Highlight: A.P.O.S.T.O.L.
- First robot to participate in the Write-LMR-Challenge "without dragging its inky tail."
- May be even cooler than the Chillzone.
(27:44) Chris recommends everyone make an annual bulk servo purchase.
(28:37) Live Show Question of the Week: Servos going to first position in a violent way.
- "I wrote it as if it were a thought exercise... If I get an answer out of it, I'll take it."
- Remember the rules!
(28:37) Live Show Question of the Week: Hybrid H bridge single relay configuration
- Visit the link and give your advice.
- Rik offers good advice for giving good advice (37:40)
(38:06) Rik waves his contraption around.
(38:20) Chris and Rik talk about oscilloscopes.
(40:59) Ackjay asks about the Walter charging project.
- Yes, he can complete the task.
- No, he hasn't literally done the task as Chris has not made the copper charging posts.
- So yes, he can charge himself.
(42:40) Aftershow begins.
Live Show #012, November 19, 2010 - length: 56 minutes, 50 seconds
Today's show is hosted by our friends rik and fritsl (aka Frits. Yes, he owns the place!)
(1:21) Where is Chris?
- Chris is ill and resting up (no, not a Lyme disease issue).
- Get well soon, champ!
- Rik - "It will be a repeat of two weeks ago but better... and that's always not bad."
(5:50) Frits heralds the LMR community.
(6:55) Frits finally decides to co-host the show and not work on his PHP.
- The LMR website is run off of php driven website software.
- He wants to get more hands-on with the site, thus needs to learn php.
(8:35) Propellors get waved around.
- Frits just wants to share his cool stuff with the audience.
- There's propellor driven snow bots on Frits' ceiling!!! (9:31)
- Rik pulls out his new 2x2" uBotino Arduino board from Ro-Bot-X.
- Populated by components from Rik's Futurlec Value Packs.
- Needs a robot to power. Frits suggests a bot for the...
(16:50) Simplest - yet most effective object avoidance Challenge
- A good way to library techniques for a common problem with many solutions.
(18:56) Live Show Project of the Week: Three wheeling doover by emuller.
- A phototropic robot with very unorthodox three-ball locomotion.
- "It's totally out of control, basically."
(22:42) Frits confesses his jealousy over people finishing projects.
- Everyone is the Project of the Week! (23:32)
(24:31) Frits shows off his beeping and booping Partybot (Powerslider).
- How to use sound to debug.
- Frits adds, "No music on robot videos!" (likes to hear the robot working)
- First "ting!" of the show (28:11)
(29:20) Why fritsl thinks beeping is better than flashing.
- Many uses for sound output (RF testing, audible distance meter, etc)
(35:47) Rik gets boinked
- Rik - "Who's going to be my boink filter???"
(36:02) Talk about why the server went down the week before.
- A fine example of a community not twarted by physical distances.
(38:26) Live Show Segement: "The Bot That You Would Like The Most To Be Finished At Last."
- rik says it is his Unnamed as yet...!! bot.
- fritsl says he would like to see Walter finally get finished.
- rik wanted to see the Little Drum Machine get completed, but didn't know it already had been.
(41:00) Frits reappears wearing his grandfather's hat.
- Immediately rik has plans for it.
(42:11) Special guest caller: JAX Skypes in from California during his lunch break!
- JAX talks about the stepper motors he has available.
- Frits asks about his robots including his Crumbot project.
- Special thanks to emuller and ezekiel181 for Crumbot motivation
(55:00) Back to Frits-vision wearing hat #2.
(56:50) Aftershow begins.
Live Show #013, November 26, 2010 - length: 78 minutes, 2 seconds
Nothing but chips today!
(As the Live Show format has kicked it up a notch, the Notes hope to raise the bar a tad as well.)
(3:50) Chris and Rik talk about their week.
(6:39) Frits is officially denied a special guest because it's the...
(6:48) Live Show Expansion Chip Episode.
(7:32) Rik begins with the peripherals that attatch to the Start Here Robot board.
(8:41) Request from the hosts for the Ustream Producer Pro software. (8:44) Chris requests serial numbers from those who have purchased the Start Here Robot kit. |
(9:31) Rik goes over the L293D chip.
(12:14) Rik talks about the very similar SN754410 chip.
(14:12) A look at the DIL-16 8 resistor chip.
(15:39) L293 vs. SN754410
(18:00) Rik eludes to Chris’ lack of loyalty to any particular microcontroller. |
(19:05) The ULN2803 Octal Darlington Array chip.
(24:06) I2C Communication.
(35:54) 74xx595 Shift Register.
(43:25) I/O Expanders.
(50:35) Making RS-232 talk TTL.
(1:03:56) Chris talks about his servo driver problem.
(1:11:44) Chris considers telling a bad joke. |
(1:12:08) The show runs out of time and Rik covers the chips that were not discussed.
(1:14:22) The Live Show wants your feedback! (1:15:55) Chris says he’s a huge fan of the “5 P’s.” (1:17:15) Show wrap up. (1:18:02) Aftershow begins. |