Litterrobot 3 keeps jumping to red

Basically my litterrobot keeps jumping to red, i already replaced the catsensor and it keeps doing it. Am i correct in assuming the mainboard went to litterrobot heaven?
I put on the litterrobot, it turns once (sometimes stops for some reason and i force start the cycle to complete it…) it can be blue a long time but jumps on his own to red, or right away red. If it is the main board i have to save up for it - hence me asking. I followed all the other steps i found on forum, i guess this is more to you experts if my assumption is correct.

Thanks in advance for the help and advise.

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Hello @NuttyDutchy ,

Welcome to RobotShop community.

We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your Litter-Robot.

This is indeed an issue with the circuit board so it’ll need to be replaced.

Please provide us with your order number to check your warranty.

Awaiting your reply.



thank you so much for your quick reply. after some email digging i found my order nr being #1040774 - a very gracious gift from a loved friend. Not sure if i still have warranty… Even if not - i am so happy with this device that it be worth repairing. Really makes my work as carer for my dad 100% easier and my kitties very happy.

Hello @NuttyDutchy ,

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately, the warranty associated with this order number has expired.

In this case, you can order a new circuit board from the following link:

This video will show you how to replace it:

Feel free to contact us again if you need further assistance.


A post was split to a new topic: Litter-Robot 3 False Cat Detection