Litter-Robot yellow light on constantly nothing resolves this

Unit cyles for 0.5 second then stopps with yellow light flashing slowly. checked pinch contacts and hood is properly fixed.
Please help
Order ID 204-5826446-5825153


Serial no LR3109686

Hello @Neilmcleod,

Welcome back to the forums.

We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your Litter-Robot.

Please test if the night light is interrupting your cycle. Cover the light sensor which is located under the power button. If the night light turns on and the cycle is interrupted, then your bonnet needs to be replaced.

It is possible that the night-light is not even working, in this case, please remove the power from the robot and unclip the bonnet. Inside the bonnet you will see 2 wires connected to a small circuit. Make sure the wires are well connected to the circuit.

If that is working fine, then the problem is probably with the connection between the base and the bonnet. Have a look at this video:

Also, there are two connection metal pins between base and bonnet. Some customers use WD-40 to clean them to make better contact.

Please tell us how this goes.


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Hi so I have done the things you suggest. I left the unit off overnight and now it is slightly different. Initially when I switched on, it showed a blue flashing light as if the tray was full (which it wasn’t) then when I pressed reset, it went to a red flashing light before going to yellow flashing after I press reseta few times.
Now when I turn on, it shows yellow for a second then goes red flashing. If I press reset a few times it goes to yellow flashing and stays there.

Hello @Neilmcleod,

Thank you for your reply.

In this case, we recommend sending the unit to our repair center for inspection and repair.

We will move you to our internal support system to carry on with the repair process.

You will be contacted shortly with further details.

If you don’t wish to proceed with the repair under warranty then we can resume the troubleshooting and send you the needed replacement parts.

Let us know your decision.


I don’t mind troubleshooting and replacing parts, that seems simpler than returning the unit

This topic was transferred to internal RobotShop Support.