Litter Robot yellow light flashing rapidly

My Litter-Robot started flashing the blue light. I followed all the suggestions, but ended up getting a new DFI sensor, which I have just replaced today. I wanted to buy the Anti-Pinch pins, too, but they were out of stock.
When replacing the DFI, I took the Anti-Pinch pins out and polished them with a Dremel, but got yellow rapid flashing, next I bend the pins a little to ensure better contact, still yellow rapid light flashing.
There seem to be perfect contact between the two pins.
The two red connectors are of course pushed all the way in.
What else is there to check?

Hello @MarianneV ,

Welcome to RobotShop community.

We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your Litter-Robot.

Please provide us with your order number or a copy of the invoice.

Did the robot rotate a little first then stopped and gave that fast blinking yellow light or it was once you turned it back on?

Can we see a video of the blinking light to check its pace?

It’s possible that you have moved or disconnected the hall-effect sensor while installing the DFI sensor.

Please provide us with a picture similar to this one so we can check that with you:

Awaiting your reply.


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Hi Ebram
When I turn the Litter-Robot on, the blue light flashes, then I push Reset, and Yellow the light starts flashing rapidly. I will make a video of it.
I don’t have an invoice, but I have made a screen shot of the dispatch email from Amazon. I have cut out my address, since I don’t want it to be seen publicly :slightly_smiling_face: I also enclose a picture of the label with the serial number. Also the requested pictures.

I’m usually very happy with my Litter-Robot, and have recommended it to some of my friends, four of them have also bought a Litter-Robot :+1:

I really hope you can point me towards a solution, so it’ll work like before.

PS video uploaded to YouTube: video showing problem. - YouTube

Awaiting your reply.

Hello @MarianneV ,

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately, your robot is no longer under warranty.

The issue that you are having indicates a problem with the DFI sensor.

You can use the following video to help you check all the wiring related to the sensor:

You can also clean the 2 green circuit boards of the DFI sensor with isopropyl alcohol and a Q-Tip to remove any rust or dust from the small pins.

Then clean the Anti-Pinch pins with WD-40 and sandpaper if they were corroded.

If this didn’t fix the issue, you would need to replace the DFI sensor.

You can order it from this link and use the same video to replace it:

Let us know if you need further assistance.


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Hi Ebram
I know my Litter-Robot isn’t covered by the warrenty, which is why I troubleshooted using this forum and your videos on YouTube, when th blue light kept flashing.

As I explained in my first message, I came to the conclusion, that I needed to exchange the DFI sensor, so the DFI sensor is brand new, I actually just received it this Monday, October 4th.
Order Number:#1136911

As I also wrote in my first message: I also wanted to buy new Anti Pinch pins, but couldn’t get the new Anti Pinch pins, when I ordered the DFI sensor (they were out of stock), so I cleaned the old ones with a Dremel, contact between the two pins is fine.

Accordingly to your answer I assume you will mail me a new DFI sensor, since you write, that the new DFI sensor I just installed is faulty, it would be a nice touch to enclose the Anti Pinch pins as compensation for the trouble I have had with the new faulty DFI sensor

Hello @MarianneV ,

Thank you for your reply.

Very well, we will forward your request to our replacement department to see if they can fulfill it or not.

The Anti-Pinch pins are still out of stock for another week.

You’ll be contacted soon via email with a reply to your request.

Have a lovely evening, stay safe.


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This topic was transferred to internal RobotShop Support.