Litter Robot III yellow light blinks


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.

Description: I purchased the litter robot III in the early 2019, it was working fine until recently the blue light keeps blinking. I’ve tried to change the litter bag, resetting, cycling etc, it will still blink after one cycle. Then I removed the parts to clean the interior, the yellow light blinks about 4 times per second after I turned on the robot, it goes back and forth from blue light blinking to yellow light blinking when I press the reset button. Now the robot doesn’t do cycle anymore

Hardware concerned:

Software concerned:

Troubleshooting steps already taken:

Additional information:

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Hi @franco and welcome to our forum.

If you tried our troubleshooting (Litter-Robot III Open Air - Blue Blinking Light) without results, then the DFI sensor is the issue and it should be replaced.

Also, you should check the Anti-pinch pins (they are maybe corroded, or not making a contact). The Anti-Pinch safety feature is two pins connected to the motherboard that must touch each other continuously.
If they are separated, you will have an alarm(yellow blinking light). The Anti-Pinch safety is located in the top back left of the Litter-Robot base. You will need to unplug the unit, remove the bonnet, the globe and the drawer.
It is ‘‘Two Metal’’ pin. With a flashlight, you should be able to see if they are touching each other or not. If they are not touching each other, try to re-position it with a flat screwdriver by pushing them upwards.

Please tell us how this goes.

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I tried all the ways you said, but it didn’t work.

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