Litter-Robot III - Screeching sounds returning to home position and alternating yellow and red lights


I have an issue with the my Litter Robot III, the behaviour is the following:

  • It cycles and empties without issue.
  • It also resets past the home posiiton without issue (i.e. when it “over-rotates” to distribute the litter after emptying)
  • However when it tries to go back to the home position after the over-rotation it makes a terrible screeching noise and stops about halfway before it can reset into the home position
  • At this time the lights on the front of the unit flash in an alternating red and yellow pattern
  • I have the mobile app module, and the error says “Your Litter-Robot has a Over Torque Fault”. However I cannot find any resources on how to fix this.

I checked the black gear and it seemed to be scraping up against the body of the machine in it’s slot (i.e. it was not centred in the slot), so I thought maybe it was scraping the side. However after adjusting that, it still continues.

Has anyone come across this ? Or know how to fix this? Do I need a new motor?
Thank you in advance!

Hi @Requinox,

Make sure the set screw of the black gear is fitting in the flat face of the D-shaped Shaft of the motor .

Also, check the alignment of the motor inside the control panel.

If it doesn’t help, then your motor needs to be changed.

If you are still in warranty, please advise.

I can’t see anything wrong with the alignment. I’m no longer in warranty, so I will go ahead and order a new motor. Thanks

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I am having the exact same problem - I’ve had the litter-robot 3 open air connect for 1 month.

Due to wifi restrictions where I’m living (network has no password) I’ve been unable to connect to the app, so at least now I know what could be the issue… But where do I find the set screw of the black gear of the d-shaft? Lol help please :slight_smile: an image of what I’m looking for would be immensely helpful.

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Hey @FindingFunny,

Check out this instruction:

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A post was split to a new topic: Litter-Robot screeching!