Litter Robot 4 SmartScale

I have a LitterRobot 4. In the new Firmware, there has been a new addition to the SmartScale features. It is now claimed that it can distinguish the weights amongst different cats. Before you had to guess. My question is how does it do that, and how reliable. Both my cats are similar in weight, but different in bone structure and age. My vet says one is supposed to be 13.8 lbs, and the other is supposed to be 13.3 lbs. Both appear to be 13.5 and trending down. I need to make a food adjustment. I need to add food to one cat, and wait for the other to hit their target. I don’t know which. The new “Pet Profile” change has a “Last Weight” field that doesn’t seem to match any of the recent weights detected in the history. How much can I trust the robot to assign the right weight, and tell me which cat to give more food?

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Hi @greenies !

These are good questions regarding this new feature.

Have you seen this recent post by Litter-Robot?

It says: If your cats are within 1 pound of each other, we are not able to distinguish between them.

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