Litter robot 3 yellow light flashing

I’m just wondering does any one’s litter robot 3 is having trouble with flashing yellow light? Mine is bought 3 years ago and I understand it has been a while. I had this issue last year with flashing and blinking yellow light. I asked for customer service and sent by litter robot base to Quebec to get it fix. Fortunately it was fixed at that time. But right now I’m having another issue. Whenever it is night time, the cycle of my litter box doesn’t work well. It stops in the middle of the cycle several times and with flashing yellow light. I have checked the litter tray which is not full and the litter bot is not against the wall; also the floor balance is flat. However the litter box works perfectly well during daytime, but it doesn’t work at night. I don’t understand what is wrong with the litter box.

Sometimes if it stops in the middle of the cycle, I will stop for the whole night and never goes back to home position. When it is daytime, it starts working and goes back to home position. If I manually put it back to home position, it works for that night, but same thing happens next day at night again. This is quite frustrating and I had it fixed once and I don’t know why it has another issue again.

Can someone help?

Hi @ananhyu and welcome to our forum!

Based on your description, the night light embedded in the bonnet is faulty. This is causing cycle interruptions when light sensor is in the dark and night light should be turned on. This means that the bonnet should be replaced.

If you are not in warranty period anymore, we can recommend you to buy new bonnet here:
If you are in warranty, please advise.

Until you replace the bonnet, you can disable automatic night light and then the cycle shouldn’t be interrupted. This can be done by pressing and holding Power button for at least 5 seconds. In some cases, to do this, light sensor which is located just under Power button needs to be illuminated, for example with a flashlight.

Feel free to ask anything else.

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