Approx 3 years ago we purchased a LR 3 for our 3 cats to use, unfortunately we have been plagued with problems with it that started 6 months after purchase.
We’ve had various cycling issues, all manner of flashing lights, jammed drum and component failures which is leading me to believe this is a really shoddy product.
The latest probably is the infamous DFI sensor issue. This is the second time this has happened. The original DFI sensor failed and we were sent a replacement part under warranty, however it has now failed again out of warranty and we are now faced with a £46 bill to order a new replacement part. I’m not sure I want to pay £46 for such an unreliable component that will no doubt fail again, so I am unsure what to do!
The issue is the blue light constantly flashes as if drawer is full, pressing the reset button causes light to flash rapidly amber. Resetting again makes blue light flash again. Drawer is empty, sensor window is clean, no loose litter or other obstructions. Looking at the sensor board and the sensor appears to have black marks on the chip, like it’s burnt out.
Thank you for your reply. The bonnet and base pins are all in quite good condition, clean with no signs of corrosion. However the anti lunch pins are quite badly corroded. I removed them along with the DFI sensor and cleaned them all up with isopropyl alcohol and q tips as suggested. The amber flashing light seems to have stopped but the blue flashing light persists, so I believe it’s definitely the DFI sensor that has failed again.
Why are these litter robots so expensive yet made with such cheap and inferior parts that fail and corrode so easily?!
I will take photos and upload when I’m home later today. Thank you again for your help.
Order number was #891598, I don’t believe it’s still under warranty. Although the DFI sensor was replaced under warranty not that long ago and needs replacing already, so not sure what the situation with that is.
I’ll probably chuck this unreliable poorly built and designed piece of crap in the bin. It’s been nothing but trouble from the start. For something that costs over £400 I expected a little better quality.
Please note that recently the manufacturer produced a new version of the DFI sensor that’s fully enclosed inside the plastic for better protection so this new version should last longer than the older one.
Let us know if you wish to give this a go so we can help you place your order.