Litter Robot 3 Connect Over Torque error (flashing yellow and red light)


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.

Description: LR 3 Connect wont start Cycle always telling me its got a Over Torque Fault. I already opened it (Bonnet and Globe), cleaned it and removed most of the litter( same error Over Torque fault). Tried to see wether the motor would turn without the Globe only the Bonnet (Didnt turn + over torque fault). Checked if the gear is loose or if it can be turned by hand (is tight and cant be turned by hand). Its used by 2 kittens which are too light for the sensor so i turn it on and off when they did their things usually. Its not even a month old (The machine)

Hardware concerned: Litter Robot 3 Connect

Troubleshooting steps already taken: see above

Additional information: Order Number #1900032885

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

Hello @SteSo,

Welcome to RobotShop community.

We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your Litter-Robot.

Please make sure that you are using the original power adapter and plugging it directly into the wall.

Then you can follow this video to help you open the top part of the base where the motor is located:

Then send us a picture like this one:

Awaiting your reply.


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Hi @Ebram

I am using the original power adapter plugged in to the wall
Here are the requested pictures:

Hello @SteSo,

Thank you for your reply.

Everything looks normal so it’s possible that the motor itself is defective and needs to be replaced.

We can send you a new one to replace under the warranty.

If you wish to proceed, please provide us with the following:

1- Shipping address.
2- Phone number.
3- Serial number located on the back of the robot.

You can send us these details in a private message for more security.

Awaiting your reply.


Hello @SteSo,

Thank you for your reply.

Very well, we will forward you now to our replacement department to carry on with the process.

You will be contacted shortly via email with further details about the shipping.

Have a lovely evening, stay safe.


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