Litter robot 3 - Connect - Drawer full


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.

I have a litter robot 3 connect, and since one month ago, I have the drawer full error (blue flashing light) every cycle. I tried a few troubleshooting and nothing work. When the blue light is flashing and I disconnect the litter robot, and then reset the litter robot, I got a yellow light flashing. Then I have to disconnect the robot a few hours to make the yellow light disappear. However, since yesterday I cannot make the yellow light disappear and both pinch are touching and clean.

** Hardware**:

Litter robot 3 Connect Refurb, purchased 2-3 month ago.

Troubleshooting steps already taken:

  • Cleaned the 2 green circuit boards of the DFI sensor using isopropyl alcohol and a Q-Tip + plastic bracket
  • This troubleshooting

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

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