Litter Robot 3- Cat Weight Sensor Issue, I think?

I purchased a litter robot 3 secondhand. The seller told me they were having issues with a continuous solid red light plus a few other issues, but it was super cheap, and I was up for the challenge of fixing it!

The seller had already replaced the cat weight sensor.

I dismantled the base and replaced the motor, the DFI sensor, and the pinch sensor. I also took apart, inspected, and reinstalled the cat weight sensor.

The motor and pinch sensor resolved the other issues, but the unit still displays a solid red light. The light illuminates within a minute of pressing the reset button which says the cat weight sensor is still the issue.

I’m wondering how sensitive is the plate. Would screwing/unscrewing the cat weight nut help the situation? I’m only finding “until snug” or “approximately 1/4 inch” as a reference of how far to tighten. Is there something more specific? Or am I bark up the wrong tree?

Edit: I’m suspicious the base got wet as well. The motor seems to be damp. Did the seller fry the motherboard? Should that be my next try?

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Hi @TrayJay and welcome to our forum!

It seems that you already got a lot of knowledge about this robot.

As you already mentioned, adjusting the screw on the cat sensor can help. Try to tighten it a little bit. This should decrease sensitivity.

Also, I would suggest that follow two wires that are connected to the sensor. Maybe these are damaged somewhere?

In the end, if you think the robot was flooded, you are correct: main circuit board is potentially damaged and it should be replaced.

Feel free to ask anything else.

Check the alignment of the new DFI sensor (the sensor that detects waste levels) is correctly installed and aligned. If misaligned, it could falsely trigger errors.

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If this is the case, there should be blue blinking light error. But yes, in that case also robot would not detect the cat.

The issue is it’s always detecting a cat. It illuminates solid red almost immediately after it cycles or is turned on

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Hi @TrayJay .

Try to adjust the tightness of the screw on the cat sensor and see what happens.

And if replacing the cat sensor did not help, I would suggest replacing the main circuit board.