Litter Robot 3 blinks blue on power up and then on reset quickly blinks yellow

2 days ago my Litter Robot stopped working after 3 months. I got a notice at 5am that it had detected a pinch, however nothing was in it.

I removed the bonnet and the globe, cleaned everything down with compressed air and dry clothes making sure not to disrupt any connections.

I scrubbed the pinch detector terminals and ensured there was good contact between the two.

After reassembling it and powering it on, now the blue light flashes. When I push the “reset” button, it switches to flashing yellow as if there’s a pinch detection. Then if I click “reset” again, it switches back to blinking blue.

Here’s a video of the issue I’m encountering:

If anyone else has encountered this issue or might know of a fix, please let me know, as Litter Robot has failed to respond to me.

It also now won’t connect to the Wifi and when I try to reconnect it, pushing the cycle and empty buttons no longer start the Wifi connection process.

Thank you.

Hello @jwarren,

Welcome to RobotShop community.

We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your Litter-Robot.

Please provide us with your order number or a copy of the invoice.

Please try to clean the DFI sensor (2 green circuit boards and 2 plastic brackets) with alcohol and a Q-Tip then test the unit again.

What happens when you press the “Cycle” and “Empty” buttons?

Awaiting your reply.


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