Linux on a mini/pico itx

Any one running linux on a mini/pico itx? If yes which one and which distribution of linux.
I’m planning to use linux along with opencv.


As long as the board is x86 compatible, it should run any distro of Linux you want to run. Currently, I am favoring Gentoo (more work, but more flexibility IMO), Debian and Kubuntu (derived from Debian, very good multimedia support).


Thanks 8-Dale.

Just curious as to what you are running on it? Any image processing?

I’m not running an x86 platform at present, but may do that at some point in the future. I’m running a Hammer ARM9 as the main processor on my robot at present.


I’m running Ubuntu off of a USB keydrive on my pico-ITX. Works great! I’ve got it set up to control my room lights and fan :smiley:

for future reference I’d advise ubuntu lite or fluxbuntu

there’s also a minimal ubuntu version that’s only 10 megs to download.
I’d post the links but for some reason I’m still restricted on link posting.