Linking Stepper Motors and Drivers


Recently I wanted to try a project with multiple stepper motors. I am trying to connect the stepper motors. The stepper motor driver used is the DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier.

Motor A: []
Motor B: []
Motor C: []

Will there be any problems with the connection? Any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you.

DRV8825 Voltage supports input voltages from 8.2 V to 45 V. You can use it if the power supply voltage is suitable for all three motors. The DRV8825 has a maximum current output of 2.5 A with sufficient cooling. NEMA 11 and 17 should not be problems. However, larger motors like NEMA 23 often require currents exceeding the DRV8825’s limit. If the current requirement of your specific NEMA 23 motor exceeds 2.5 A, you’ll need a more robust driver, such as a TB6600 or DM542.