Line follower avoidance obstacle

hello , i learnd C but i m beginner in robotics so i Need Line follower avoidance obstacle code Pleas

Getting started with Robotics

First, welcome to LMR. Here you can find a wealth of information (probably more than can be quickly absorbed) by looking at user submitted projects. What you will not find is “Just do this” and you will become an expert.

Obstacle avoidance and line following are both topics that require a working machine. Please provide some details of your particular Robot and your programming environment.

thank you very much . i work

thank you very much . i work with arduino uno and micro because i m beginner yet and  i maked a simple line follower with rc car and a L293D dual H-bridge for motors with  9 IR pairs . All rights ! but sitll not faster  i don’t know why . know i buy a SRF04 ultrasonic sound sensor and i want to modify it to avoide obstacles  in same time follower th ligne .