Limpy, the super simple walking robot

I reached out on Freecycle asking for old unwanted battery-operated toy cars. Limpy is one of those cars, plus lots of hot glue and craft sticks and paperclips.


I used this Youtube video as a guide:

Video of Limpy:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


It walks!

Freecycling is a great approach. To bring it all together, if you don’t have many machining tools available, take a look at polymorph to make a nice plastic frame:


I will look into polymorph, thank you! My husband is contemplating adding a 3D printer to our house, and my daughter and I tinkered with a “3D printing pen” toy at a Mini Maker Faire, so one of those might be added to our home as well. If only I could sew a robot frame…