Light Seeker robot using MSP430

This is my first robot to use the a MSP430 microcontroller and was mainly a project to help me learn more about using the MSP430. I originally posted this robot on my blog and in a topic on 43oh.

Please look at my blog post for more info:
blog post

All the C code is on github and is compiled with mspgcc on linux.


  • 1x MSP430G2452 ( could be the extra that came with the Launchpad )
  • 1x breadboard
  • many wires
  • 2x Photoresistors/LDRs
  • 4-5 AA NiMH batteries
  • 1x Tamiya Tracked Vehicle Chassis
  • 1x Tamiya Double gearbox
  • 1x L293D Motor Driver IC
  • 2x 100uF caps
  • 2x 47uF caps
  • 3x 0.1uF caps
  • 2x 33k resistors
  • 1x 47k resistor
  • 2x 1x2 headers
  • 2x jumper blocks
  • 1x LP2950-33 3.3V LDO regulator

Travels towards Light source

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at