For my bachelor’s work I must use a lot of mecanum wheels. It will be use for pallet transfert (US or EURO types) in an international automation group.
I find the wheels that I need in your Website. That’s the : Nexus Robot - RB-Nex-13 (14094). I don’t know know if I prefer 100 mon or 127 mm wheels.
Before choose, I need some complet informations about them. The chain that I will put the mechanism inside work 24/24h. So the wheels must be resistant over time.
On your website I can’t find the information that I need. Can you help me and give me the lifetime of this sizes mecanum wheels? I need the information in km (miles) maybe or in hours.
Have you ever used similar wheels in the industry? If yes, in what cases and under what conditions?
Thank you in advance for your answer!
Mariemgn from Switzerland