I’ve been trying to use my Garmin Lidar V3HP with my pixhawk 2.1 via I2C and it worked for a few minutes when it was conected like recommended in Ardupilot.org (picture) but after I turned the system off I couldn’t get any data from it anymore. To check if the lidar was working I used an Arduino and it worked fine with it but never with my Pixhawk. I also tried to get a read via PWM also unsuccessfully. After checking that the sensor was working I tried to use pull up resistors like recommended in Garmin’s manual (picture) but it didn’t work too. I also tried to invert the SCL and SDA cables position in the conector. I’ve been using a life battery (6,6V) to power the sensor. To check if it could be an over tension issue I also tried with a 5V BEC which also didn’t work.
The parameters set in mission planner were like recommended (pictures). I also tried every single type in the parameter RNGFND_TYPE.
Does anybody have any ideia of what could be happening?