Lidar Lite v3 not communicating

My unit was working well but this week it will not communicate with an Arduino that it has been working with.
I have tried I2C (originally working) and PWM and on get NACK on I2c and 0 on PWM
using the example code from pulsedlite and garmin. Is there something else I can try to determine the problem.


To help identifying your issue, please provide pictures of your setup. Make sure to clearly show all components (Arduino, LIDAR-Lite v3, connections, mandatory VCC-GND capacitor, power source for LIDAR-Lite, etc.).

You can attach them in Full editor mode (see attached image for details).


I have connected it both ways PWM and I2c and do not get any values either way.


Hi Tim,

Please note that while it may work while only connected to an Arduino, it is possible that it may not initialize properly due to high current requirement during initialization.

At initialization, the LIDAR-Lite v3 may need as much as 500 mA @ 5 V DC. If your power source is unable to provide this current, the device may not initialize properly and lead to an unknown state. This can mean various outcomes, such as only providing 0 as measurement value (PWM/I2C) or not answering at all (I2C).

As you may already know, most USB hubs/ports do not offer enough current for such a situation, since they typically can offer at most 500 mA total.

We recommend that you add a proper 5 V DC power source to your circuit to power the LIDAR-Lite v3 individually and see if this helps.


I eliminated that by connecting it to the power supply in the first picture that is capable of 10A, the center strip on the breadboard is supplied by this. The usb is only connected in the to transmit the serial data back to the computer. I tried a program called I2cscanner on the arduino and it does not return anything either but if I connect another device it will find that one but not the Lidar. How many amps should it pull because the power supply never went over .04A at any time.


Thanks for the extra details. It does seem like the device is not working as expected, then. Post initialization, it should use ~100-150 mA when taking measurements.

Please open a support ticket here. In your message, please provide your order or invoice number and a link to this topic (for context).

Also, make sure to choose the “Exchange / Returns” department. Once your message is sent, someone will get back to you shortly.
