Lidar lite v3 hp, Principle of Measurement Data Conversion of the Procduct

I am studying Garmin’s Lidar Lite v3HP product and learning about lidar sensors. When I output signal strength through the lidar sensor, it displays values ranging from 0 to 255. I am looking for a method to convert this signal strength into mW or dBm units. I have researched extensively, and my conclusion is that the sensor’s receiver measures optical power and outputs it as values between 0 and 255 through a specific calculation or conversion process. I believe Garmin has knowledge of this conversion process. If you could provide me with any information on this topic, I would greatly appreciate it.

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Hi @dyk and welcome to our forum.

I would suggest that you contact Brad from Garmin since he knows a lot about this topic.

You can reach out to him on
[email protected]

I hope this helps.