LeXI 3000 Personal Robotic Assistant v3.0

The tablet is a windows 8 tablet, rt real windows 8. It runs the same software my desktop runs. Since the ezb runs of the PC via Bluetooth, I eliminated the Bluetooth and hook her board via usb3. This provides an always on feature so I can use the bluetooth for other things. The tablet in the back is connected to the mimo monitor in the front as an extended screen. This way her programming GUI is on the back and her mood animations run in front. I now added an animated jaw for her to make her speaking look real cool. It will be run by 2 servos running of the auto talk e2 board for animatronic syncing with her speech synthesizer .

Correction:real windows 8 tablet not rt.
Real windows 8 not rt.

Very Nice

This looks like it’s a fun project!

LeXI’s Head and Neck assembly and speech sync with new jaw.

LeXI’s Head and Neck assembly and speech sync with new jaw.




Tweaked the head and changed the ears.

Ok finally finished her head design. i wasn’t too happy with it and it has been bugging me for a while. it turns out that the ears were too pointy, made her look like a robot rabbit. i redesigned a more boxy type, detailed ear. im am going to 5 leds on each which will blink when she turns and moves her head. i also change the top of her head. the original cover that came with the Tupperware container im using had that big sunken square in the center. couldn’t figure out what to put there that would look good. so i ended up scrapping it and using another dish


 instead. all i need to do now is attach the wires for her scanner and eyes to the ezb and drill a 1/2" hole in the neck base to pass the wires through. i love the look of her face, it has character and once she starts running her ai scripts she will come alive.


LeXI 3000 final stages: Airbrushing!

Decided to make LeXI a bit more realistic. Away with the all white sterile look and in with the distressed industrial used look. Here you can see the first part airbrushed. This is the main terminal on her back. i changed things abit. I took the first one i made with the acer tablet in it and moved it to the front, and designed and printed this larger more detailed looking one for the mimo lcd montior. will post more pics as each part gets airbrushed.






Awesome Build!

Your design is exactly what I want for my robot mechanically. I want to use a wheelchair as the motor base and add a body with head and arms. I don’t own a 3D printer so it might not look as nice but the fuctions it could do would be awesome. 

I’m just learning to program which is holding me back really bad to meet my goals. I see your using the EZ-Robot kit. Have you been able to do everything through this kit when it comes to the mobility and voice commands?

EZ-Robot the power

ez-robots ezb and ez-builder software do all that arduino’s do and more without and code or programming. it is an awsome product.

Upper Body Complete!

Ok i finished the head/neck/shoulders. I will be finishing up the lower body and drive train tonight and them go over the entire build to make sure i didnt miss anything. Now i will give it 3 - 4 coats of clear matte finish to seal in the paint. That only leaves me with the wiring and connections and initial boot up!

more updates: interface animatins and arm power cord intakes.

heres the link to the video which explains it all




Sizing him up, and ready for lower body paint.

set him up to get the measurments down for the mid section connector. a threaded 3" pvc pipe will be the center point from the drive train chasis to the top of the mid section. it will stick up about 4". the upper body will sit on top and the center pvc pipe will go in from the bottom and a screw cap(large pvc nut) will screw on securing the top and waist together. a custom 49 wire male/female plug was designed and printed to assist with the easy detachment of the top and bottom for easy transport. i will post more pics soon.


Back on track

Its been a real bad winter this years which held up my LeXI project since my workshop is in the basement which is not heated. So i had to do alot of other work in my dining room with my makerbot by my side. I also have launched a robot site www.xlrobots.com where i build custom requested bodies and parts as well as sell my own line of bots( XLR-6 Hexapod). I only sell the kits minus the controllers and servos just the kits. Anyway now that the weather has changed for the better i am completeing LeXI so she will be able to attend the Maker Fair in TN this June. As i was putting her bac together after paint i noticed that my earlier prints were not as well done as my XLRobot prints are now that i have mastered my replictor and locked down my 3d modeling for prints. Her HD-7 arms were nice but were too weak to handle the tasks i have planned, so i decided to upgrade them and use the other lower grade as utility arms on my work bench. Here i have pics of the new HD-7’s so far. I will be using QTC Pills for pressure inputs for her gripping objects as well as a ir sensor and high output led for illuming area of work as well as a micro hd cam in each claw.have to finish upgrading the forarm and awaiting hardware from servo city. Let me know what you think.







back in business

had to put the  project on hold due to the delay of the EZB v4 shipping. i ordered 3 to run LeXI and they where delayed for a few months. In the time waiting i finished her up so all i need to do is connect the chips and start testing. here are the pics of her progress.

I just got back from vacation and im going to finish her air brushing. More pics and video to follow.



New Progress.

Well Vacation is over and LeXI is now back in production. On my vacation I had my laptop with me and was trying to figure out my strategy for the V4 power issue and her Arm movement. I ran several simulations to see if I could get away with the parts that I have and just tweak them but it wouldn’t work. If i wanted her to lift objects and not strain so much and also have actual lift power I needed to make a change. My result is the HD-7x2: Dual Servo Elbow Drive. Im printing the parts now and will post the pics and vids asap.


Revised arm now working!

Finally got it right and the arms are now working the way i want them too. more in the video.

plus here is also a peek at the revised front chest panel.




