Let's machines learn: new Machine Learning course online


Bored about fool robots? Do you want to give your robot a spark of intelligence?

Maybe machine learning can be the answer for you as it's shown in the Machine learning coursera's course. It's just a set of tools to let machines to learn. It's not like making an intelligent robot out of the blue, as there are a lot of limitations, starting from your knowledge on this field, but also computing power of your robot and real world interfaces to name a few.

However, giving a behavioural flexibility chance to your robot can be the difference between completing real tasks or just wandering around.

The Machine learning coursera's course can be interesting as it covers:

  • From basic to some advanced machine learning techniques.
  • Practices with two possible separate tools: Octave (free) or Matlab (free for the course). So you'll learn basic and applicaitons on a real engineering tool that worths learning. Note: if you use Windows (like me), you can't use Octave for the course as it doesn't accept HTTPS yet (used to submit programming asignments). Course's team is working on that to solve it.
  • Some practices in real world that you can test. So you can derive them later to your own projects.

I'm intrigued whether any of you are already in the course  or will take it. Anyway please share your thoughs here!

Morer info

Please provide more info as to which particular course you are refering to?


Yes you’r right! Here you have the Machine learning coursera’s course also in the article. Thanks!

Please check the link

Thanks ggallant,

Please check the link in the post for the course. Is it working for you? I just tested it and it works fine.
