I found a new sound sampler module for my yellow drum machine. The problem I have right now is that the switch to operate and trigger the playback was a motion sensor. Essentially a LED in a thin tube.
I want to change that so that I can trigger that function from the Picaxe output.
I tried a few directconnections on a solderless bread board and was able to trigger it accurately by just touching one of the LED + wire to the 5v powerbus on my board but when I plug it on the Picaxe board I get immediate triggering when I switch the board on and then nothing.
What am I doing wrong and more importantly, how do I make it right?
I would suggest you add a pull down resistor on the pin that you are connecting to the sound module. A pull-down resistor will do just what it sounds like. It will keep the line low unless the microcontroller actively pulls it high. At least you shouldn’t get any false positives.
I just read about those in David Cook’s “intermediate robot building”. I think it’s time I try to put this theory into practice.
I was not getting false positives tho, my problem was that turning the robot on would trigger it once and then the signal being sent through the wire woul dnot trigger it again. Probably because it had never been turned off.